​​1. What is the RI Rental Registry?
The RI Rental Registry is a state-mandated database established by the Residential Landlord and Tenant Act RIGL 34-18-58 that requires property owners to register their rental properties and provide essential information to help maintain lead-safe housing standards across Rhode Island.

 2. Who needs to register with the RI Rental Registry?
 All property owners who rent out residential properties in Rhode Island must register their properties with the RI Rental Registry. This includes single-family homes, multi-family units, condos and apartment complexes.

3. How do I register my rental property?
To register, you need to create an account on the RI Rental Registry website. Once logged in, you can start the registration process by entering details about your property, property manager, and any required documentation. Follow   the step-by-step guide provided in the dashboard.

4. What information do I need to provide during registration?
 You will need to provide information about the property, such as its address, type, and occupancy details. Additionally, you must include information about the property manager, contact details, and any relevant documentation, such as lead   certificates.

5. Can I edit my property information after I submit it?
No, once you submit a property and all units on that property you will not be able to edit the property or unit details. It is   crucial to review all entries thoroughly before completing the attestation found at the end of property registration, as   inaccuracies or omissions could result in fines.

6. What happens if I don't register my rental property?
 Failure to register your rental property by October 1 can result in penalties, including monthly fines. It is important to   comply with the registration requirements to avoid any legal or financial consequences.

7. How do I update my property information if something changes?

8. Is there a fee to register my rental property?
 No, there is not a registration fee.

9. How often do I need to update my registration?
 You are required to update your registration annually or whenever there are significant changes to the property, such as a   change in ownership, or property manager.

10. Where can I find help if I have questions about the registration process?
 If you have any questions or need assistance with the registration process, you can contact our support team via phone, 401-222-7796, or email rentalregistry@health.ri.gov, or through the contact us page form on the RI Rental Registry   website.